SRBA Experience Moab

Experience Itinerary

Day 0: Check In 

Participants are required to be in Moab for check in no later than 8pm the day before the experience starts.  Pick up and drop off at the Salt Lake City airport is available for participants with flights arriving before 2pm.

Post Opening Priorities Review:  Discussion, 30 minutes

Avoidance Strategies Review:  Discussion, 30 minutes

Day 1: Mineral Bottom

Introduction to Moab jumping:  Discussion and orientation, 2 hours

Cliff Jumps:  Repeated jumps from various exit points in Mineral Bottom, both running and poised exits, deployments including PCA, handheld and stowed, depending on participant comfort.

Group Debrief:  Discussion and review, 1 hour

Briefing:  Kane Creek area discussion and briefing, 1 hour

Hikes in Mineral Bottom are typically 10 to 20 minutes of flat walking, with car shuttles used to return to the rim after jumping.

Day 2: Kane Creek 

Cliff Jumps:  Jumps from various exit points in Kane Creek including the iconic Moab classic, Tombstone.  Running and poised exits, deployments including PCA, handheld and stowed, depending on participant comfort.

Group Debrief:  Discussion and review, 1 hour

Briefing:  Castle Valley area discussion and briefing, 1 hour

Hikes in Kane Creek are typically 40 minutes to 1 hour and may require some off trail scrambling.

Day 3:  Castle Valley

Canopy Flight Review:  Discussion, 30 minutes

Cliff Jumps:  Jumps from various exit points in Castle Valley.  Running and poised exits, deployments including PCA, handheld and stowed, depending on participant comfort.  Emphasis on canopy flight techniques on jumps with long, scenic canopy flights.

Group Debrief:  Discussion and review, 1 hour

Planning:  Discussion of possible day 4 jumps, 1 hour

Briefing:  Day 4 jumps (as selected by group requests), discussion and briefing, 1 hour

Hikes in Castle Valley can take as long as two hours and may require some off trail scrambling.

Day 4: Participant Selected Jumps

Cliff Jumps:  Jumps from exit points as selected by participant request, or to make up lost jumps for weather.

Group Debrief:  Discussion and review, 1 hour

Day 5:  Return travel

Drop off at the Salt Lake City airport is available for participants to fly home.